
您的隐私是我们最关心的问题. Wetrok AG及其附属公司收集, process and use your personal data exclusively in keeping with the provisions of the EU’s General Data Protection Regulation and those of the Data Protection Act of Switzerland. In what follows, 我们会通知您有关性质, 收集及使用该等资料的范围及目的.

1. 访问数据/服务器日志文件

当您只是为了获取信息的目的而访问我们的网站时——也就是说, if you do not log in, 注册或向我们提供任何其他信息以使用立博app网站, 我们不会向您收集任何个人资料, with the exception of the data that your browser gives us in order to facilitate your visit to the site.


  • Your IP address
  • 查询的日期和时间
  • 与格林威治标准时间(GMT)的时区差异
  • 请求的内容(特定页面)
  • 访问状态/ http状态码
  • 在每种情况下传输的数据量
  • 发出请求的网站
  • 推荐人的URL(之前访问过的页面)
  • Browser
  • 操作系统及界面
  • 浏览器软件的语言和版立博app
  • Provider

2. Use of cookies

此外,当您使用立博app网站时,cookie将存储在您的计算机上. Cookies are small text files which are stored on your hard disk with an attribution to the browser you are using, 因此,该网站放置cookie(我们), 在这种情况下)获得某些信息. cookie不能执行程序或向您的计算机传输病毒. They serve for the purpose of making the internet service we offer more user-friendly and effective overall.

a) 立博app网站使用cookie的范围如下所述:

  • 临时cookie(临时使用)
  • 持久cookie(有时间限制的使用)
  • 第三方cookie(来自第三方提供商的cookie)
  • Flash cookie(永久使用)

b) 临时cookie会在您关闭浏览器时自动删除. 其中特别包括会话cookie. 后者存储一个“会话ID”。, 通过这种方式,可以将浏览器的不同查询分配给联合会话. 因此,当你再次回到网站时,你的电脑可以再次被识别出来. 当您退出或关闭浏览器时,会话cookie将被删除.

c) 持久cookie在规定的时间后自动删除, 这可能会因饼干而异,但不会超过最多7天. 您可以在浏览器的安全设置中随时删除cookies.

d) 您可以根据自己的喜好配置浏览器设置. 这意味着您可以拒绝接受第三方cookie, 或者干脆拒绝接受cookie. We beg to inform you however that in that case you may be unable to use all the functions of this website.

e) 使用的Flash cookie不是由浏览器注册的,而是由Flash插件注册的. 它们独立于您正在使用的浏览器存储必要的数据, 并且没有自动失效日期. 如果您不希望发生涉及Flash cookie的任何处理, 您必须安装适当的附加组件, e.g. Mozilla Firefox“更佳私隐”(http://addons.mozilla.org/de/firefox/addon/betterprivacy/)或用于Google Chrome的Adobe Flash Killer Cookie.

此存储信息与您可能提交给我们的任何其他数据分开保存. 特别是cookie数据不会与您的其他数据相关联.

3. 使用web分析服务


立博app网站使用谷歌分析,谷歌公司的网络分析服务. (‘Google’). Google分析使用cookie.

The information generated by the cookie about your use of the website is as a rule transferred to a Google server in the USA and stored there. 因为我们的网站启用了IP匿名, within member states of the European Union and in other countries that are party to the Agreement on the European Economic Area your IP address will however first be abbreviated by Google.

Only in exceptional cases will the full IP address be transmitted to a Google server in the USA and abbreviated there. 根据立博app网站操作人员的指示, 谷歌将使用这些信息来评估您对立博app网站的使用情况, to compile reports about website activities and to provide further services to the website operator associated with website and internet use.   

The IP address transmitted from your browser in connection with Google Analytics will not be brought together with other data by Google. You can prevent the storage of cookies by making the appropriate adjustment in the settings of your browser software; we beg to inform you, however, 在这种情况下,您可能无法充分使用立博app网站的所有功能.

In addition, you can prevent the registration on Google of the data generated by the cookie and related to your use of the website and processing of these data by Google (including your IP address), 下载及安装以下连结下的浏览器插件:


4. 第三方服务的参与

4.1. YouTube视频的参与

(1) 我们已经将YouTube视频作为我们在线演示的一部分. These are stored on www.youtube.com 并且可以在我们的网站上直接播放. 它们都以“扩展数据保护模式”与网站相连, that is to say, 如果您不播放视频,您作为用户的任何数据都不会传输到YouTube. 只有当您播放视频时,才会传输上述第2节所述的数据. 我们对这个数据传输没有影响.   
(2) 以下是YouTube的地址和URL,以及关于数据保护的说明:
YouTube, LLC, 901 Cherry Ave. San Bruno, CA 94066, USA

4.2. Use of social plug-ins


我们的网站和电子通讯使用YouTube和LinkedIn的社交插件. As a result, buttons from the relevant provider are displayed and content from the corresponding provider is embedded on the website. 如果你访问一个使用这些社交插件的网站, 浏览器与相应的提供程序建立连接. 此提供者将社交插件的内容传输到浏览器, 哪个将其整合到相应的网站中. 相应的提供者通过此过程接收到的数据包括, but is not limited to, the following:

  • 您的浏览器访问相应网站的信息;
  • 使用的设备的IP地址,即使您没有提供商的帐户.

如果您同时使用对应的提供商登录, 提供商可以将此访问归因于您的个人配置文件. If you interact with a social plug-in – for example by writing a comment – the relevant information will be transmitted from your browser to the corresponding provider and saved there. This will potentially also be published on your profile with the corresponding provider and shown to your contacts.


在我们的网站上,我们在“杂志”导航区使用“与您的网络分享”(SWYN)插件. This feature allows you to share posts from our e-magazine with members of Facebook and LinkedIn using a direct link.

在我们的网站上,我们使用Facebook的社交插件. 提供商是Facebook爱尔兰有限公司.4大运河广场,大运河港,都柏林2,爱尔兰. 你可以在以下链接找到Facebook的隐私政策:http://www.facebook.com/about/privacy/update. 您可以使用以下联系表格联系Facebook的数据保护官:http://www.facebook.com/help/contact/540977946302970.

After clicking on the SWYN Facebook button, the data you wish to share will be forwarded to Facebook. In addition, 除了纯内容相关的信息(图像URL), description text, link to landing page), 只有经过编码的ID才会以这种方式传输. Facebook在任何情况下都无法通过此代码识别用户. 在你点击SWYN Facebook按钮后, 首先,你必须用你的访问数据登录Facebook,才能“发布”你想要的内容. 之后,在最终同意发布之前,您仍然可以对内容进行更改. The information will only be linked with your personal profile and become visible to third parties after you agree to publication.

在我们的网站上,我们使用LinkedIn的社交插件. 提供商是领英爱尔兰无限公司,加德纳之家,威尔顿广场,都柏林2,爱尔兰. 你可以在以下链接找到LinkedIn的隐私政策: http://www.linkedin.com/legal/privacy-policy?src=di-rect%2Fnone&veh=direct%2Fnone 您可以使用以下联系表格联系LinkedIn的数据保护官: http://www.linkedin.com/help/linkedin/ask/TSO-DPO.

当您点击SWYN LinkedIn按钮时,将建立到LinkedIn服务器的连接. LinkedIn将被告知您使用您的IP地址访问了我们的网站. LinkedIn is able to associate your visit to our website with you and your user account if you share a post using the LinkedIn button while you are logged into your account with LinkedIn. Please note that, 作为立博app网站的提供者, 我们不了解所传输数据的内容或LinkedIn对其的使用.

5. 要求提供关于特定主题的信息材料

(1) 在“资讯资料”下您可以向我们索取各种信息. 其中一些将通过邮政发送,一些将通过电子邮件发送. In some cases (e.g. 传单是一次性的信息, 在其他情况下,它可能是重复信息(如目录)。. 但是,您可以随时拒绝接收此类信息, 可以通过电子邮件(dataprotection@wetrok).com), by fax to +41 43 255 53 79 or by a postal communication to the address given in our Publishing Details.
(2) 您同意接收此类信息的方式如下:
Yes, until such time as I opt out (which it is possible for me to do at any time) I would like to continue to receive information about the subjects in which I have indicated an interest, by post, e-mail or telephone, 并同意我的个人信息被电子收集, 由Wetrok AG及其附属公司加工和使用. 我可以随时通过电子邮件(dataprotection@wetrok)选择退出.com), by fax to +41 43 255 53 79 or by a postal communication to the address given in Wetrok’s Publishing Details. 我们不会将我的个人数据传输或出售给第三方用于广告目的.

6. Right of information

You have the right to apply for and to be given information free of charge about the personal data relating to you that have been stored by us. 此外,用户有权要求更正这些不正确的数据, 并阻止或删除他们的个人数据, 只要资料不受任何法定保留义务的约束.

7. Applications

在申请过程中保护您的数据对我们来说非常重要. 我们只处理与应用程序相关的数据. 附上立博app(姓名、地址、电话号码、电子邮件地址等).), 这包括与应用程序(CV)相关的所有数据, references, diplomas/qualifications, 回答问题等.). 是否同意报销差旅费, 可能会收集和处理有关银行详细信息或邮寄详细信息的数据.

We collect and process your personal application data exclusively for the intended purpose of filling the position for which you have applied. Of course, your data will be treated as confidential and only forwarded to the necessary individuals. Your personal data will not be forwarded to other companies in the Wetrok or Diethelm Keller Group unless you have previously given us your express consent. 阁下的个人资料不会转交予第三者.

如果您的资料与Wetrok或Diethelm Keller集团的其他空缺职位相符, we will also obtain your consent in advance before forwarding personal application data to the necessary individuals. 

You have the right to change or delete your personal application data at any time as long as this does not oppose the fulfilment of rights and obligations vis-à-vis public authorities or the preservation of mutual interests.

如没有法定保留期限, the data will be erased as soon as storage is no longer required or when the legitimate interest in storage ceases to apply. 如果你没有被录用, this occurs no later than six months after the application process has concluded or after our last contact with you.

在个别情况下,特定数据可能被存储较长时间. For example, data connected with potential remuneration of travel costs is subject to the retention regulations under the Swiss Code of Obligations concerning accounting and archiving business documents.

在申请过程中, 我们可能会聘请受我们指示的服务提供者协助电子数据处理, 文件的归档和销毁. 如果我们在门户网站上发布招聘启事, we often offer the additional option of submitting the application using an application management tool. These tools are typically offered and hosted by service providers who are also subject to our instructions.

如果你没有被录用,但我们对你的申请仍感兴趣, 我们将积极询问是否可以保留你的申请以填补未来的职位空缺. 如果您同意,我们最多将您的个人申请数据存储12个月.

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